Is your website secure from hackers? Check its security with Amberate.
AMBERATE.ORG vulnerability detection services are not available at this time. Updates will be posted on this web site and Twitter. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.



The mission of AMBERATE.ORG is to make various web applications more secure through the development of, Amberate, a web application security scanner.


Yuji Kosuga - Founder / Chief Architect
Super Creator* accredited in 2008
Mr. Kosuga is currently researching web application security as a Ph.D student at Keio University in Japan. In 2008, he began the development of Amberate with the support of the Japanese Exploratory Software Project (‘Mitoh’ in Japanese). One year later, he founded AMBERATE.ORG for the purpose of organizing a security team to continue the development of Amberate.
Twitter: @yujikosuga

(Private) - Software Engineer
Super Creator*
This person has received the honor of Super Creator for the development of software in his field of interest: high performance processing. However, in July 2010, he joined AMBERATE.ORG and began focusing on web security issues. In addition to AMBERATE.ORG, he currently works for another company as a software creator.

Kelly Lichoff - Project Assistant
Ms. Lichoff received a Bachelors of Arts in the Humanities from The Ohio State University in June 2006 and worked full-time as a math and Japanese teacher in various high schools in Arkansas and Memphis, Tennessee for the next four years. Although she has worked with Kosuga via internet since the inception of AMBERATE.ORG, she became an official team member after her move to Japan in July 2010. In addition to AMBERATE.ORG, she currently works as an English teacher for a language school in Japan.

* The Super Creator honor is awarded by the Japanese government to creators of outstanding software. For more information, please visit this web page.